The Regenerative Acceleration Effect from Thane C. Heins
created on february 9, 2013 - JLN Labs - last update march 28, 2013
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.
Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial

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The last update from march 28, 2013

I am very gratefull to Thane C. Heins for his encouragements and his very helpfull technical support which have conducted me to succeed in the replications of the ReGenX and the BiTT of Potential Difference Inc.

DLE-TEST03 : Successful replication and test of the Bi-Toroïd transformer of Thane C. Heins

Successful replication by WOOPY of the Thane C. Heins' BiTT

DLE-TEST04 : FEMM simulation of the Bi-Toroïd transformer of Thane C. Heins

DLE-TEST05 : Confirmation of the Thane C. Heins' Effect with the BiTT v1.5

DLE-TEST06 : Regenerative Acceleration Effect confirmed with the T. Heins' ReGenX v1.0

Successful replication by WOOPY of the Heins' Regenerative Acceleration Effect

DLE-TEST07 : Full tests and measurements on the Regenerative Acceleration Generator (RAG 1.2)

DLE-TEST08 : BATTERY CHARGING with the Regenerative Acceleration Generator (RAG 1.3)

DLE-TEST09 : FULL TESTS UNDER LOAD of the Regenerative Acceleration Generator (RAG v1.3)

DLE-TEST10 : Testing of an experimental version of the Bi-Toroid Transformer (BiTT v2.0)

DLE-TEST11 : Measurement of the DC INPUT CURRENT on the BiTT v2.1

DLE-TEST12 : Test of the RAG v1.4 with TWO LOADED REGEN COILS

DLE-TEST13 : Confirmation of the Regenerative Acceleration with TWO LOADED REGEN COILS

DLE-TEST14 : FLUX HARVESTING tested on the Regenerative Acceleration Generator v1.4



DLE-TEST17 : FULL MEASUREMENTS on the Bi-Toroïd Transformer (BiTT v1.5)

DLE-TEST17b : Regenerative Acceleration with a MECHANICAL BRAKE and 3 OUTPUT COILS

Below the video of the tests conducted on my Bi-Toroïd BiTT v1.5 transformer of Thane C. Heins

Here the full video of my Regenerative Acceleration Generator (RAG v1.3)

These videos and the documents below are published by courtesy of Thane C. Heins CEO of PDI Canada.

INFINITE RANGE eBIKE PROJECT TEST #1 (courtesy of Thane C. Heins from PDI canada)

Comparison chart of a vehicle driving range on single 8 hours charge with and whithout the Regenerative Acceleration Generator

Regenerative Acceleration Generator Innovation - Confirming the Negative Lenz Effect

Click HERE, to see some additional videos of Thane C. Heins about the BiTT and the self-accelerating effect under load on his magnetic motors/generators.

Documents and references (courtesy of Thane C. Heins CEO of PDI Canada ) :

to the Delayed Lenz project home page