DLE-TEST10 : Test of an Experimental version of the Bi-Toroïdal Transformer (BiTT v2.0)
created on february 9, 2013 - JLN Labs - last update march 4, 2013
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.
Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial
I am very gratefull to Thane C. Heins for his encouragements and his very helpfull technical support
Cliquez ici pour la version FRANCAISE

March 4, 2013 - DLE-TEST10 : Here a test of an experimental version of the Bi-Toroid Transformer based on the Thane C. Heins' BiTT from Potential Difference Inc. Canada. This transformer have 2 symmetrical secundaries mounted in toroïdal magnetic circuit with a ferrite core. The primary magnetic circuit (with a low coupling factor) produces a symmetrical flux in the middle in the 2 secundaries.

Below the setup used in the TEST-DLE10 :

In this test, the 4 Watts LED bulb is connected (via a switch) directly at the output of one of the two secundaries, while the other secundary is shorted.

TESTS RESULTS of the BiTT v2.0 :

We observe that the AC sinusoîdal current (at 68 Hz) on the primary drops slightly when the BiTT is loaded.

The input parameters on the primary (Voltage, Current, Power and Cos(f)) doesn' change significantly when the BiTT is loaded.

Here the video of the tests of the BiTT v2.0

Here a video of the BiTT v2.0 which shows closely the Voltage/Current phase shifting WITH and WITHOUT LOAD

Stay tuned,

Email: jnaudin509@aol.com

Documents and references (courtesy of Thane C. Heins CEO of PDI Canada ) :



DLE-TEST11 : Measurement of the DC INPUT CURRENT on the BiTT v2.1

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