"Exploring Tesla"
by Jean-Louis Naudin
created on 10-02-98 - JLN Labs - last
update on 12-29-12
Toutes les informations et
schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont
destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial
All informations and
diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial
"....If we could produce electric effects of the required quality, this whole planet and the conditions of existence on it could be transformed. The sun raises the water of the oceans and winds drive it to distant regions where it remains in state of most delicate balance. If it were in our power to upset it when and wherever desired, this mighty life-sustaining stream could be at will controlled. We could irrigate arid deserts, create lakes and rivers and provide motive power in unlimited amount. This would be the most efficient way of harnesing the sun to the uses of man......" ( Nikola Tesla, June 1919 )
: a Great Efficiency GENErator
with a TESLA bifilar flat coil
Le GEGENE : un
générateur électrique de puissance avec une bobine
plate bifilaire de Tesla...
Interesting web links :
: JNaudin509@aol.com
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