The High Power VSG v4.1 - February 20, 2005
created on February 9, 2005 - JLN Labs - Last update February 20, 2005
Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial
All informations and diagrams are published freely (freeware) and are intended for a private use and a non commercial use.

This new version of the VSG uses a bigger torus transformer as a Current Transformer (CT). It has a bigger turn ratio (1143:1) and will be able to handle more current flow in the carbon. The inner diameter of the torus is also bigger, so, in this V4.1, I have used a 11 mm diameter and 120 mm length pure carbon rod with a solenoid coil wound around it.

The VSG v4.1 gives a very good energy efficiency ( Energy factor With/Without B-Field = 3.46 ), this is due to a stronger E-Field (2030 V/m) and a stronger B-Field (60 gauss) than in the previous design v3.1. As you may see above, the power factor is also very high...

In some cases and during strong energy discharges, the measured b radiations level climbs at a high level.
I recommend strongly to use low energy pulses and only little quantity of carbon.

WARNING, USE CAUTION ! This experiment is not intended for the inexperienced. User of this document should be very carefull and experienced in the field of electronic and nuclear physics to try anything out ! If you do it the risk of any results is just yours. I take no responsibility of anything that might happen.

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