The Time Energy Pump
created on 09/19/97 - JLN Labs - last
update on 09/19/97

JL Naudin
comments :
You may notice that the duty cycle of the
squared pulse as NO EFFECT on the output pulse generated. Because of
the Non Inductive effect ( in appearance... ) of a bifilar coil,
there is no apparent magnetic flux when the current arise, thus no
time constant (tau=L/R), and the bifilar coil act as a simple
- When the circuit is
closed : The magnetic field is stressed
or confined so the time frame reference is ATTACHED to the source
of energy which is the current in each coils, thus the magnetic
field has the SAME time frame reference. A magnetic field really
exists but in appearance there is no field.
- When the circuit is
opened : The magnetic fields confined
are free to live their own existence. Also each field generated by
its own coils live in different time frame references, because the
originate source is disconnected. These fields are free, and we
must considered these like two different sources of magnetic
field. This effect is also confirmed by the TEP V5.0 Parametric
tests. The dissymmetrical
effect added by the non-linearity of a
ferrite rod magnify the time shifting.
I think that we may have a KEY POINT for
tapping free energy, because if the magnetic fields are located in
different time frames this is the good way for tapping
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